
Compliance Council

A special-purpose, cross-jurisdictional Council responsible for compliance, legal and organization, conflict resolution, and actor authorizations.

Compliance Council (4 members: balanced represenation; 12 month term)


Cooperates with Councils to ensure proposals are compliant; has veto authority over all proposals for any applicable legal compliance; mediates disputes that may arise within or between ecosystem participants; represents the interests of the Telcoin Association in any legal circumstance; actively supports positive legislation on behalf of the Telcoin Platform.

  • Domain: Conflict resolution, compliance, legal and organizational, and authorizations
  • Policy Area: Veto authority on all Miner Council Proposals, must verify the identity, status and authorize(or deny) all prospective Developers, Validators, Council Members, and all other administrative personnel.
  • Decision-making rules and processes
    • Deliberation Processes: CCIP, Authorizations, All Miner Council decisions
    • Proposal Rules: All Compliance Council members in possession of a Compliance Council NFT and TAO members may submit CCIP and Authorizations proposals to the Compliance Council snapshot for voting. All Compliance Council members may, after being authorized by the TAO, submit proposals to the Platform Council snapshot.
    • Voting Rules: All Compliance Council members in possession of a Compliance Council NFT (1) may vote on CCIP and authorizations proposals, (2) and the Council must achieve a 3/4 approval rate with 75% quorum within 72 hours in order for a CCIP or authorizations proposal to be affirmed.

        Approval Rate: 3/4

        Quorum: 75%

        Duration: 72 hours to submit and veto an affirmed proposal.

    • Proposal and Voting Location: Compliance Council Snapshot
  • Compliance Council: Authority, Duties, Activities, Benefits


    The Compliance Council is a special-purpose governing body that crosses jurisdictions of the Platform’s governance system to ensure proposal compliance with governance rules and laws, authorize new miners, develops legal and organizational entities, monitors and enforces governance rules, and serves a low cost means to conflict resolution.


    The Compliance Council possesses the authority to (1) veto all proposals at the collective choice level (2) to authorize Developers, Validators, Council Members, and operational contributors (3) the authority to craft, develop, implement, and administer conflict resolution and authorizations processes (4) make proposals to the Platform Council snapshot to create compliance regimes and legal structures (5) sanction actors on the platform such as council members who fail to uphold their duties by revoking their authority.


    The Compliance Council is required to (1) veto and provide feedback related to any Miner Council Improvement proposals that violate relevant laws, the mission, vision, values of the Telcoin Association, or the Telcoin governance system collective-choice rules-in-use (2) monitor and enforce rules governing collective-choice activities (3) develop and administer a compliance regime specific to Telcoin (4) create an authorizations process for Council Members and operational contributors within the first month of the first term (5) authorize all eligible participants who follow proper processes to become a miner, council member, or operational contributors, (6) structure legal entities and defend the association and its members in the event of litigation, (7) develop and operate a conflict resolution system to resolve inevitable disputes between Miners, Miner Councils, and other relevant actors.

    Compliance Council: Activities Overview

  • Compliance Activities: Proposal Veto, Feedback, Policies, Monitoring, and Enforcement
    • Improvement Proposal Veto: The Compliance Council, using the CCIP process, may veto any improvement proposal within 3 days of submission to the Compliance Council guard, based on the proposal compliance with laws and the articles and values of the Telcoin Association Constitution.
    • Proposal Feedback: The Compliance Council, during recurring meetings, is required to provide legal and compliance opinions to Miner Councils in the early phases of new proposal development to reduce external and decision making costs associated with improvement proposals and a potential veto action.
    • Compliance Policies: The Compliance Council, using the TIP or TELIP process, is required to design, propose, and implement compliance policies that guide the development of new policies by Miner Councils.
    • Monitoring and Enforcement: The Compliance Council is required to the activities of Miner Councils and Council members to ensure compliance with laws, compliance policies, and rules as outlined in the Telcoin Association Constitution, and must enforce rules by instructing the TAO to revoke abstaining Council Member NFTs and vote on their behalf.
  • Authorization Activities: Miners, Council Members, Operational Contributors
    • Miner Authorizations: The Compliance Council is responsible for (1) developing and refining authorizations processes for miners, (2) coordinating with miners and/or the TAO in order to authorize (or deny) new Validators and Applications.
    • Council Member Authorizations: The Compliance Council is required to (1) create and develop an authorizations process for Council Members within the first month of the first term (2) conduct KYC/AML and “proof of miner” on each new Council Member within one month after they have been selected by Miners, and must instruct the TAO to either (a) revoke and vote on behalf of any Council Members who fail to meet the requirements in a timely manner or (b) instruct the TAO to grant designated authorship, where applicable, to Council Members after they successfully are authorized.
    • Operational Contributor Authorizations: The Compliance Council is required (1) to develop an authorization process for operational contributors within the first month of the first term (2) to conduct KYC/AML on each new administrative actor including code developers who construct new and maintain existing systems, communications personnel, and other operational contributors as determined by Miner Councils.
  • Legal & Organizational Activities: Structure and Defend
    • Legal & Organizational Structuring: The Compliance Council is required to facilitate and guide the development of legal and organizational arrangements, structures, and processes to ensure Telcoin miners benefit from protections and benefits offered by traditional legal frameworks.
    • Legal Defense: Defends the Telcoin Association and its members in the event of litigation.
  • Conflict Resolution Activities: Develop and operate
    • Conflict Resolution: The Compliance Council is required to develop, implement, and administer a low-cost, easy-to-access means for conflict resolution and dispute mediation between miners and governing council members.
  • Forbidden Actions

  • Violating Telcoin’s mission, vision, values, and code of general conduct.
  • Proposing something that involves others without their consent.
  • Compliance Council: Benefits Overview

    Upon selection and subsequent transfer of a governance NFT to their wallet address, Compliance Council members possessing a CCNFT are streamed a flow of 2,272,727.273 TEL annually on a per block basis to their wallet.

    Compliance Council: Technologies used and infrastructure involved

    Technologies used: Compliance Council members use the following private technologies to exercise their authority.

  • TEL
    • Description: Council members must use TEL as an input in production processes, as a private technology for harvesting TEL issuance, and as a private technology used to vote for Council members in order to be considered for their station.
  • Web3 Wallet
    • Description: Council members must use a web3 wallet to conduct their voting activities.
  • Infrastructure involved: The following infrastructural components of the platform enable the Compliance Council to perform its activities.

  • Compliance Council Snapshot:
    • Description: The governance mechanism used to vote as a miner for other Council Members, and to vote in collective choice processes such as CCIP and Authorizations proposals.
  • Compliance Council NFT(”CCNFT”):
    • Description: Compliance Council members are transferred a CCNFT upon selection by Miner Groups, conferring them proposal and voting authority over their domain and a flow of council member issuance.
    • Link to Contract: 0x23AEa71fD634eceeE01B4EE51C58Ee1A9df08460
  • Compliance Guard:
    • Description: @Henry Arneson please provide one sentence summary here of the cc guard
  • Discord:
    • Description: The communications channel used by members to deliberate proposals with and communicate proposal updates to the community.
  • Telcoin Forum:
    • Description: Communication channel used to submit and deliberate forum proposals prior to formal voting procedures.
  • Telcoin Documentation:
    • Description: Information channel used to document the Telcoin Platform, TEL issuance, Actors, Governance System, and the resulting interactions and outcomes between those components.
  • Learn more: Governance System Infrastructure
  • Compliance Council Members: Selection, Authorization, Representation and Roles

    Council Member Selection

    Each miner group selects other individual or corporate miners into Council Member positions in on-going liquid delegation and periodic election processes. Council members must nominate themselves to the relevant Council forum channel using the proper format to be considered, and, if selected, are transferred a Council NFT conferring them proposal and voting authority over their Miner Council Snapshot and a stream of council member issuance in TEL.

    Council Member Authorization

    Council Members must submit a compliant Council Member authorization form to the TAO within 1 month of being selected to a Council, or else the TAO will revoke the member’s NFT and vote on their behalf until a new representative is selected by the constituent Miner Group.

    Council Members: Representation and Special Duties

    Council Members are assigned duties based on the specialization of their constituency. These special duties are as follows can be altered at any time by Miner Groups in constitutional-choice processes, and are in addition to, not a replacement for, duties required by each Council as a collective body.

  • Staker Representative (1): Represent the interests of, communicate with, and inform Stakers in on-going decision-making processes and day to day activities and outcomes. Stakers may vote to add/alter special duties and overall operational responsibilities required by their delegates at any time.
    • Required Attributes: Must be a juris doctorate with conflict resolution experience.
    • Specialization: Conflict resolution
    • Special Duties: Responsible for designing, proposing, and administering low-cost conflict resolution mechanisms between actors on the Platform.
  • Developer Representative (1): Represent the interests of, communicate with, and inform Developers in on-going decision-making processes and day to day activities and outcomes. Developers may vote to add/alter special duties and overall operational responsibilities required by their delegates at any time.
    • Required Attributes: Must be a juris doctorate with compliance experience.
    • Specialization: Compliance
    • Special Duties: Responsible for analyzing proposals based on compliance with laws and the articles and principles outlined in the Telcoin Association Constitution, and for designing, proposing, and implementing a Telcoin Association compliance regime.
  • Liquidity Miner Representative (1): Represent the interests of, communicate with, and inform Liquidity Miners in on-going decision-making processes and day to day activities and outcomes. Liquidity Miners may vote to add/alter special duties and overall operational responsibilities required by their delegates at any time.
    • Required Attributes: Must be a juris doctorate with corporate legal experience.
    • Specialization: Legal & Organizational
    • Special Duties: Responsible for developing legal structures in order to protect and ensure participants have recognition of rights to organize, limited liability protections, and the ability to pay taxes within existing legal frameworks
  • Validator Representative (1): Represent the interests of, communicate with, and inform Validators and the TAO in on-going decision-making processes and day to day activities and outcomes. Validators (TAO in the interim) may vote to add/alter special duties and overall operational responsibilities required by their delegates at any time.
    • Required Attributes: Must be a juris doctorate.
    • Specialization: Authorizations
    • Special Duties: Responsible for coordinating with the TAO, prospective miners, producers, and Council Members to facilitate the authorization process for new participants to take positions on the Platform.