
Zodiac Reality Arbitrator Contract

The Compliance Council owns an Arbitrator contract that is responsible for handling arbitration requests for the Reality.eth oracle. The contract is called when a user disagrees with the current result of the reality.eth oracle for a given snapshot proposal.


Allows the Compliance Council to arbitrate disputes regarding the reality.eth oracle.


The Compliance Council owns an Arbitrator contract that is responsible for handling arbitration requests for the Reality.eth oracle. The contract is called when a user disagrees with the current result of the Reality.eth oracle for a given snapshot proposal. Dispute fees paid by a losing party are not returned and are paid to the Compliance Council, and dispute fees paid by those who are right are returned to them.


In order for the Zodiac Reality module to work properly, there must be a trusted party responsible for arbitrating oracle disputes. This acts as a deterrent to malicious bonders.