
Communications and Information Systems

The communications systems used by the Telcoin Association, including Discord, Documentation and Forum.

Telcoin Association Documentation

  • Purpose: In order to drive shared knowledge and understanding related to the Telcoin ecosystem and the mechanisms for participation.
  • Overview: The documentation section of provides descriptive analysis related to the attributes and characteristics of the Telcoin ecosystem including the:
    • The Telcoin Platform: The attributes of the resource system or the technological processes and systems, including Telcoin Network, TELx, and TAN, involved in the creation, storage, production of TEL and a variety of other blockchain goods and services.
    • Resource Products: The characteristics of the benefits created and extracted from a resource system that can then be consumed or used as an input in production or exchanged for other goods or services, including TEL, liquidity pools, blocks, and a variety of other products.
    • Actors: The attributes and characteristics involved actors that benefit from and maintain the system, including four types of miners, Stakers, Developers, Liquidity Miners, and Validators, and consumers who use the services generated by the system.
    • Governance System: The set of prevailing processes or institutions through which the rules shaping the behavior of actors with the Telcoin Platform and between each other are set and revised.
    • Interactions and Outcomes: The interactions between these social and ecological components of Telcoin along with associated outcomes.
  • Location:
  • Authority: Platform Council may use the TIP process to improve in any way they deem fit.
  • Administration: The TAO updates documentation as a result of decisions made in governance and outcomes that result from interactions with the system over time by involved actors.
  • Telcoin Forum

  • Purpose: The Telcoin forum serves as an informal mechanism for members of the Telcoin community to actively and respectfully engage in proposing and evaluating alternative responses to specific policy issues, or contestation, in written format prior to proposal submission. The forum is meant to enable participants to learn more about each other and to develop shared understandings about various shared problems at hand.
  • Location: (Coming Soon)
  • Authority: Platform Council may use the TIP process to improve in any way they deem fit.
  • Administration: The TAO updates the Telcoin forum as a result of governance decisions, and monitors and enforces breaches of the forum communication rules when necessary by removing forum posts and comments.
  • Forum Rules:
    • Follow the appropriate templates for each channel you post.
    • We hope to make this an inclusive and welcoming forum. Please be respectful, and refrain from malicious behavior while here.
    • Voluntarily disclosing the personal information related to an individual without their consent is expressly prohibited and will result in sanctions by the Compliance Council, including the removal of the perpetrator.
    • Proposing anything related to another person or company without their consent is strictly forbidden.
    • The TAO, as directed by the Compliance Council, will monitor and moderate this server as-needed, and the Platform Council reserves the right to update these rules whenever necessary.
  • Telcoin Discord


    The Telcoin Discord is the primary mechanism by which Miners, Miner Councils, and other involved actors update, deliberate, contest, and generally communicate and share information related to the Telcoin Platform and its governance system.

  • Authority: The Platform Council may alter any aspect of the Telcoin Association Discord using the TIP process.
  • Administration: The Telcoin Association Operations UAB (TAO) is responsible for administering the Telcoin Association Discord including assigning admin roles. Miner Councils are responsible for sharing information, enforcing communication rules within their domains of authority.
  • Link to Discord: (Coming Soon)
  • Discord Rules:
    • We hope to make this an inclusive and welcoming server. Please be respectful, and refrain from malicious behavior while here.
    • Voluntarily disclosing the personal information or property related to an individual or entity without their consent is expressly prohibited and will result in sanctions by the Compliance Council, including the removal of the perpetrator.
    • Miner Councils are required to either administer community communication channels related to their domain directly or must select administrators using their processes.
    • The TAO, as directed by the Compliance Council, will monitor and moderate this server as-needed.
    • The Platform Council possesses the right, using the TIP process, to update these rules at its discretion.
  • Discord Configuration

    Section One: “Start Here”

    NameChannel TypePurposeRead AccessWrite AccessAdmin Rights
    WelcomeDrop DownNew member orientationOpenAdminTAO, Platform Council
    Start HereAnnouncementIntroduction to Telcoin and Overview of ChannelOpenAdminTAO, Platform Council
    Introduce YourselfTextNew member introductionsOpenOpenTAO, Platform Council

    Section Two: “Community Discussions”

    NameChannel TypePurposeRead AccessWrite AccessAdmin Rights
    Channel TypeTextGeneral community discussion related to all things TelcoinOpenOpenTAO, Platform Council
    TAN DiscussionTextDiscussions related to the Telcoin Application NetworkOpenOpenTAO, TAN Council
    TELx DiscussionTextDiscussions related to TELxOpenOpenTAO, TELx Council
    Telcoin Network DiscussionTextDiscussions related to Telcoin NetworkOpenTAO

    Section Three: “Miner Groups and the Miner Assembly”

    NameTypePurposeRead AccessWrite AccessAdmin
    StakersTextDiscussions and deliberation amongst stakers related to constitutional choices, council member selection, and all other matters specific to Staker Interests.OpenOpenTAO, Platform Council
    DevelopersTextDiscussions and deliberation amongst developers related to constitutional choices, council member selection, and all other matters specific to Developer Interests.OpenOpenTAO, Platform Council
    Liquidity MinersTextDiscussions and deliberation amongst liquidity miners related to constitutional choices, council member selection, and all other matters specific to Liquidity Miner Interests.OpenOpenTAO, Platform Council
    ValidatorsTextDiscussions and deliberation amongst validators related to constitutional choices, council member selection, and all other matters specific to Validator Interests.OpenOpenTAO, Platform Council
    Miner AssemblyTextDiscussions and deliberation amongst all Miner Groups related to constitutional choices, council member selection, and all other matters specific to the Miner Assembly and its Interests.OpenOpenTAO, Platform Council

    Section Four: “Miner Council Discussion Channels”

    NameTypePurposeRead AccessWrite AccessAdmin
    All Miner CouncilsTextDiscussions and deliberation amongst Miner Councils.OpenAll Council Members, TAOTAO, Platform Council
    Platform, Treasury CouncilsTextDiscussions and deliberation amongst the Platform and Treasury Councils pertaining to TIP, TELIP improvements and system-wide policiesOpenAll Council Members, TAOTAO, Platform Council
    TAN CouncilTextDiscussions and deliberation amongst TAN council members pertaining to TAN policies and TANIPs.OpenAll Council Members, TAOTAO, Platform Council
    TELx CouncilTextDiscussions and deliberation amongst TELx council members pertaining to TELx policies and TELxIPs.OpenAll Council Members, TAOTAO, Platform Council
    Compliance CouncilTextDiscussions and deliberation amongst Compliance council members pertaining to Compliance Council policies and CCIPs.OpenAll Council Members, TAOTAO, Platform Council

    Section Five: “Proposal Discussions”

    NameTypePurposeAccess RightsWrite AccessAdmin Rights
    TIP DiscussionsTextTIP discussions.OpenOpenTAO, Platform Council
    TELIP DiscussionsTextTELIP discussions.OpenOpenTAO, Platform Council, Treasury Council
    TANIP DiscussionsTextTANIP discussions.OpenOpenTAO, TAN Council
    TELxIP DiscussionsTextTELxIP discussions.OpenOpenTAO, TELx Council
    CCIP DiscussionsTextCCIP discussions.OpenOpenTAO, Platform Council
    TGIP DiscussionsTextTGIP discussions.OpenOpenTAO, Platform Council
    TRIP DiscussionsTextTRIP discussions.OpenOpenTAO, Platform Council
    Election DiscussionsTextElection discussions.OpenOpenTAO
    Liquid Delegation DiscussionsTextLiquid Delegations discussions.OpenOpenTAO

    Section Six: “Proposal Updates”

    NameTypePurposeAccess RightsWrite AccessAdmin Rights
    All Governance UpdatesAnnouncementAggregate all updates related to Telcoin governance decisionsOpenTAOTAO
    TIP UpdatesAnnouncementTelcoin Improvement Process updatesOpenTAO, Platform Council MembersTAO
    TELIP UpdatesAnnouncementTEL Improvement Process updatesOpenTAO, Platform Council, Treaury Council MembersTAO
    TANIP UpdatesAnnouncementTAN Improvement Process updatesOpenTAO, TAN Council MembersTAO
    TELxIP UpdatesAnnouncementTELx Improvement Process updatesOpenTAO, TELx Council MembersTAO
    CCIP UpdatesAnnouncementCompliance Council Improvement Process updatesOpenTAO, Compliance Council MembersTAO
    TGIP UpdatesAnnouncementTelcoin Governance System Improvement Process updatesOpenTAO, All Council MembersTAO
    TRIP UpdatesAnnouncementTelcoin Representative Improvement Process updatesOpenTAO, All Council MembersTAO
    Election UpdatesAnnouncementElection updatesOpenTAO, All Council MembersTAO
    Liquid Delegation UpdatesAnnouncementLiquid Delegations updatesOpenTAO, All Council MembersTAO

    Section Seven: “Voice Channels”

    NameTypePurposeAccess RightsWrite AccessAdmin Rights
    Recurring Miner Council MeetingsVoiceChannel used by Miner Councils for recurring meetingsOpenAll council members, TAO membersTAO, Platform Council Members
    Council Member InterviewsVoiceChannel used to interview prospective Council MembersOpenAll council members, TAO membersTAO, Platform Council Members
    GeneralVoiceGeneral voice channel open to all community members and topics.OpenOpenTAO, Platform Council Members