
Miners: TEL Issuance Overview

Miners stake TEL, produce the Telcoin Platform, and harvest from flows of TEL issuance based on their productivity according to harvesting rules which are set by Miner Councils and are programmed into the platform to self-execute using code which is embedded into the Telcoin Platform.

Telcoin Network: TEL Harvesting Activities and Benefits

Stake TEL to participate in proof of stake consensus (PoS), operate a validator node to create and verify new blocks to the Telcoin Network blockchain, and harvest TEL from Telcoin Network based on their pro-rata share of blocks secured to the blockchain each day. Telcoin Network harvesting rules are set by the Platform and Treasury Councils using the TELIP process.

MinerHarvesting ActivitiesY1 TEL AllocationBasis for Income
ValidatorsBlockchain Security
Manage a validator node to create and verify blocks of transactions to the Telcoin Network blockchain.

Stake TEL on Telcoin Network
Stake TEL on Telcoin Network to participate in proof-of-stake consensus.
Total: 200,000,000
Flow: 547,945.205 per day

Basis Formula
Pro-rata share of blocks secured to the Telcoin Network blockchain each day.

TELx: TEL Harvesting Activities and Benefits

Liquidity Miners provide liquidity to TELx DeFi markets, stake their liquidity provider tokens (LPTs) in TELx staking contracts, and harvest TEL from TELx based on their pro-rata share of staked liquidity according to harvesting rules that are set by the TELx Council.

MinerActivitiesY1 TEL Allocation Basis for Income
Liquidity MinersDeFi Liquidity Provision
Provide liquidity to TELx DeFi markets and enable users to exchange their assets in a decentralized, automated, self-custodial manner.

Stake Liquidity on TELx
Stake TELx liquidity provider tokens (LPTs) in TELx staking contracts to harvest TEL.
Total: 200,000,000
Flow: 16,666,666.66 per month
Basis for Income
Pro-rata share of liquidity staked on TELx over time.

TAN: TEL Harvesting Activities and Benefits

Developers and Stakers harvest TEL from the TAN based on their user base’s adoption of the Telcoin Platform according to harvesting rules that are set by the TAN Council.

MinerProduction ActivitiesY1 TEL AllocationBasis for TEL Income
TAN: Mobile application development
Produce mobile apps which integrate with the Telcoin Platform and securely connect users to its services.

Stake TEL on TAN
Stake TEL in TAN staking contracts to harvest TEL.
Annual: 166.66M
Flow: 3,205,128.205 weekly
Pro-rata share of their mobile application’s (Referral fees + TELx exchange fees + Telcoin Network gas fees paid by users) vs other developers each week.
Merchant StakersTAN: Platform adoption
Use the system, market and connect with their business, customer networks to establish the Telcoin Platform as infrastructure for settling payments.

Stake TEL on TAN
Stake TEL in TAN staking contracts to harvest TEL.
Annual: 166.66M
Flow: 3,205,128.205 weekly

Pro-rata share of their (fees paid + their referred users’ fees paid) vs other merchant stakers each week.
Retail StakersTAN: Platform adoption
Use the system, market and connect to their social networks to establish the Telcoin Platform as infrastructure for settling payments.

Stake TEL on TAN
Stake TEL in TAN staking contracts to harvest TEL.
Annual: 166.66M
Flow: 3,205,128.205 weekly

Pro-rata share of their (fees paid + their referred users’ fees paid) vs other retail stakers each week.
  • Maximum TEL Issuance: Developers and Stakers may mine their accrued weekly issuance if their total staked TEL balance throughout the entire week is greater than their lifetime TEL issuance earnings plus issuance income during the week.
  • Excess TEL: Any excess TEL which has not been mined from TAN during the week will be distributed to the TAN Council safe to be allocated by the TAN Council.